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Monday, August 28, 2006
One Week Later...

Wow. Been some week it was.

Just a quick one...

Thanks Su for the shopping experience yesterday. Thereupathic bliss indeed. NOw I see what women mean by the 'need to shop'.

Sentosa today, for a job interview... Prob I'm going to spend the day at the beaches too. I haven't done that in a long long time. I think the last time was in Sec 4.

I'll be at Comex this week.. So if u happen to pop by, pop over and send me a 'Hi!'

Todays will be Another quite date with Su. That's what a relationship needs. Water!!!

T-shirt and jeans for me!

Take care everyone.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 9:06 am

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Finally a Sunday!


A long and hectic week it has been.

Got myself a temp assignment at the airport this week, and that probably explains why I haven't been updating much. My brain got too jammed up counting one to ten, to think much about anything else.

But it's come to an end. Seems like this is another week of job-hunting, and plain sitting around. I'm just tired and shagged out. Do hope something fruitful comes up real soon.

School starting in a few weeks, gearing up psychologically for it.

What else..

Ubin yesterday. It was a rather short one, as some people pulled out at the last minute mainly due to health and family commitments. Maybe next time, yaar.. Got to see the Kekek Quarry at least. It was a wet aternoon, and I did not want either of us to run aground and eat mud in the wet weather. Was out of there by 3:30. Not as fulfilling as I had expected it to be la.. =(

Other than that...

Nothing much else. Except that I'm expecting a very hectic weekend next week.

I love you, Su.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 4:43 pm

Sunday, August 13, 2006
No Voice too Small

When you think you're insignificant, and when you think you can't make a difference to the rest of the world, do bear in mind, that you're always special to someone, and you mean the world to them.

One small voice, can teach the world a song
Start with one small voice, till another joins along

To Nora & Nisa...

Ladies, when the world around you is closing in, and the ceiling begins to fall on you, do remember that there are always friends around you who are more than willing to extend a lending hand.

In times of dire need, there's always a friend, no matter what time of the day it is. That, my friend, is a promise.

I love you Su. This Saturday, I'm all yours!

Us: On Ubin the first time around

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 4:30 pm

Here's a new look to usher in the 41 Anniversary of the Nation.


Inspired by Su to get it changed, and I think this is all red and nice, with a bit more colour. Thanks Ektz, it's wonderful what you've done. But I just had to personalise it more. Resistance was futile.

A fresh start for everyone. The people around me seem to be finally getting the move-along as things chug them out of lul during the holidays.

Kite flying today. Mr Rosli, if you're reading this, it's nice to meet you and your family. Thanks for letting us experience kite-flying first hand. Our little dragon needs to be buried...

Ubin again next weekend! Any takers?

I love you, Su. Thanks for the GREAT day. Do hope you enjoyed the kueh as much as me and mum did making it for you.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 3:03 am

Friday, August 11, 2006
When Things are Rosy

I love you, Su.

I hope you understand why I do the things I do.

I do hope things will turn out differently.

p/s: Nice new blogskin. =) It looks GREAT!

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 11:47 pm

Monday, August 07, 2006
Doing Things Differently

Life is like travelling. You meet many people along the way, and some people lead you in the right direction, and others are just going the same place you are. At the same time, it is also important you know where you are traveling to. You can't just hop on any bus, and alight wherever you feel like, without planning.

So all this while, some things are done straight up. Some done sitting down, but most times, it's done with your back facing the ceiling.

Sometimes, you just gotta look at it from a totally new perspective, and turn things on it's side. Maybe its more gratifying and satisfying that way.

Thanks for a great day, Su. Very Rocky Road and Mocha don't really go. But I think we can safely move on to swearing by something else besides the R1.


I love you. I love the way you collapse in my arms everytime after a moment of euphoria.

2005 Ducati GP5: A new style...

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:31 pm

Friday, August 04, 2006
Aye, me Hearties!

I've got the flu - sniffles, cough, muscle pain, headache all in one.

It's been 3 days, and there's no sign of a let up.

Breakast, lunch and dinner has been accompanied with Paracetemol, cough syrup, something for the noseblock, and lozenges for the sore throat.

What a great dessert.

Su's got it too. Almost got warded into KKWCH (Kandang Kerbau Women's & Children's Hospital) [what a mouthful!] for her menstrual cramps, and the nurses and doctors looked at me funny cos I'm the boyfriend, and I think they thought she's pregnant because of me.

I don't want to go into that.

Darling, last night was a close shave. I'll be by your side next time more shit happens. I love you.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:50 am

randomly ME .

Name : Bambang Suryadi
Location : Upnorth, Singapore

A little bit of here, a little bit of there. I'm a little bit of everywhere. You gotta find out more about me, to know where I'd be

View my complete profile

random-blabber .

random events & invites .

Nothing at the moment.

Clubbing this weekend? Keep me informed. I might just join you!

random-friends .

A. | Afidah | AMN | Annisa | Arin | Asrizal | Azura | Benjamin | Clio | Chris | Dalilah | Dayana | Eileen | Eka | Faizal | Farhana | Fadilah | Fad CIE | FarahZee | Fida | Halimah | Hasriyanti | Icka | Ida | Iqah Vampiee | JunShun | Kathy | Kelvin | Leah | Lynnette | Mariana | Meow | Misa | Nadiah | Noor Ashikin | QuanHui | Queenie | Rab | Rashidah | Rizuana | Roza | Ryna | Sebastian | Shaza | Shazy | Shila | Siti Diva | Siti Nuraini | Sofina | Sri Yanti | Stefanie | Syahidah | Syirah | Tuck Wah | Vid | Vivien | Yi Yinz | Zeraynne | Yun | Zhi Hao | Zuraidy |

random-Archives .

November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
February 2010
March 2011
September 2011
October 2011
April 2012

random-pics .

random-support .

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random-prayer .

Dear God, Give me the answers I seek. Give me the strength to continue loving and caring, in this world full of hatred, and discontentment.

Dear God, do give me the strength, to go another day, with all the challenges I face.

Dear God, give me the ability to be the best that I can be, for my family and friends.

Dear God, please ensure her safety, and the safety of those she loves, and those who love her.

Dear God, don't take away this gift of patience, and faith which you have bestowed upon me, as it helps me keeps my sanity in times like this. Don't take away the love that I have for the people I care for.

Dear God, beyond everything I ask for help to make sure that the people I care for remain as happy as can be, even though you need to shroud me in misery.

random-things to say .

Choosing to Love you,
Is the best decision I've made, so far.

Wanting you to be happy,
Is my only consideration now.

Leaving you all alone,
Was never an option.

To be thinking about you always,
Is not easy, especially in tough times.

Is incomplete without the REAL chickadee.

random-influence .

inspired by blue+weirdness
designer/layout: shawn
image: photobucket.
X-BLOGGERS productions.