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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I've always wondered how it's like to be hospitalised.

When I was growing up, paying a visit to my late grandma at the hospital was a regular occurence. Although she was never in any critical or intensive care condition whenever I visited, the hospital almost became her second home. Wards 45, 54 and 63 were the more common places of visit, in comparison to the zoo, or even Sentosa.

Visiting her was something I looked forward to. If I can remember well, I'd visit her every day, for as long as she was warded. Not that I was happy that she's hospitalised, I was just happy to see her smiling away on the hospital bed, just bearing the pain and suffering that she went through. She suffered from many degenerative diseases - high blood pressure, diabetes, gall stones, arthritis. Leaving her bedside wasn't easy.

But now, she's left us for good, to the great big hospital in the sky. There she'll be okay. Definitely.

With that in mind, as well as stories about other hospitalised patients, being hospitalised is definitely the last thing I want at this moment. Firstly are the spooks. You can't be too sure if no one has ever died in the very bed you're sleeping in. Secondly, are the spooky patients. Some of them are in the ward for so long, the nurses know their family members by first names. They get deranged after a few weeks. Thirdly, the nurses. They're at extremes. Either nice, old and experienced, or inexperienced, hot-tempered, and HOT!. *LOL*

I'll be going through a procedure called a lumbar puncture, or rachiocentesis. If all goes well, the procedure should be done in all of 20 minutes. Even with local anesthesia recovery will take another 3 to 6 hours. If you're concerned, you can click here to know more about the procedure. I'm not worried about the procedure, as I know I will be in the hands of the best people in the industry. I'm more worried about the whole experience.

Worry not, I'll be updating once I'm okay enough to sit up and type.

Hopefully, I can be back on Friday. Hopefully too, I'll be alive and kicking on Saturday. And by Sunday, I can be with kids at Bukit Panjang CC for a Mendaki Mobile Play session in the afternoon.

Any takers?

I love you Su. Even through the greatest pains, I'll take your hand and lead you through.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 11:49 am

Saturday, September 24, 2005
Mindless Saturday Rambles

Another Saturday.

It's been probably only my 5th Saturday this year, where I have absolutely no plans of going out at all. Supposed to go to school to study, but I decided against it. Got all my resources here, right at home. Studying at school meant lugging Presty, my management books, and myself all the way to Clementi.

Not that it's a bad thing. It's just really cumbersome.

But at home? It's a little bit difficult to study. I just haven't got the motivation, nor distraction to study. Perhaps taking out my books will help. I'll do that later.

On top of that...

Ms Mediacorp offered to go to Ubin, together with Mr Rudy, and probably a handful other people. But she's got some show to tend to, and Mr Rudy can't make it till the afternoon, so it's called off.

I got up at ten plus today, and I've been on the computer since. Tried calling Su, but she's either asleep or extremely busy to pick up my calls.

She wants to study too, so we're not expected to meet this weekend. Bah... I wonder how I'm gonna try to remain sane this weekend without meeting her. I've been so dependant and taken for granted meeting her that the day just seems incomplete, without even plans to meet.

I lost my top yesterday. Besides a bad day at work, there was also the small squbble with Su. An accumulation of independent negative energy, leading to overall physical fatigue, and indifference towards the general outlook of the coming days. [Read: Shit leads to shit.]

Hmm... I'm not usually vulgar in writing. I'm usually composed in nature when it comes to penning (or keyboarding) my thoughts. No excuse to blow off now. PMS maybe. Periods of Monthly Shittiness.

I'm butt naked, sticky and hungry. I'm in need of a shower, clothes and food, in that order. But given only ONE choice, I'd pick food. I'm starving. *tummy growls*

I need technical upgrades. Presty needs 512Mb more of memory. DD's and my old PC needs wireless cards. The Home needs a wireless system, and a shared 160Gb harddisk. I need a new memory chipset, and a software upgrade. WinXp Professional with Service Pack 300.

Msoft doesn't package the ultra handy Office suite into new computers, even the OEM version. You can always get Word and Excel else where, but you can't get Powerpoint. Can anyone suggest another program that runs the same purpose as powerpoint, which is stable and easy to use?

Mum just got back from her visit to the market, and I'm still butt naked in front of the computer. I'm too lazt to get up, and I just wasted the mornign away.

Well, I'm not gonna bother Su today. I'll let her have the time she needs to herself.

I love you, Su. Call me later, aite?

Learn from Yesterday.
Live for Today.
Hope for a better Tomorrow.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 12:32 pm

Too tired to blog.

Today's chain of events led me to this.

Gonna sit at home over the weekend, pour over my notes, and STUDY!

"I dint pay 10,000 bucks for my course to screw it up."

Take care.

Loving you to bits, Su. Happy 4 months.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 12:07 am

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Bloggers Beware

Blogs are receiving more attention these days, from the mainstream media, law-enforcement agencies, and even the Government.

Having a blog is as fashionable these days as owning the latest handphone, or latest mp3 player. Blogging is no longer restricted to computer geeks anymore. Blogging is made easy with the existence of blogspot and a host of other bloghosts.

So blogging is the rage. Podcasting is next. But I don’t think Podcasting will be as popular as blogging, due to the hassle of setting up, and relatively higher costs.

While we blog in peace and harmony in this blog-o-sphere we call home, we must also bear in mind that each and every of our postings has it’s legal implications.

Take for example the numerous bloggers who are charged globally for slanderous and racially discriminative comments. There are cases where employees are laid off, just because they rave and rant about work on their blogs.

Closer to home, 3 people have been charged separately for posting contentious issues about race, and religion, on their blogs. While one may say that these guys are airing their thoughts in an unrefined manner, it is not surprising that you’d get even more who’d say that these guys should be more responsible and not try to decay the social fabric of the nation.

Blogging in general has its benefits. Here are three of them, which I feel is most appropriate.

Number One: Blogging makes the individual a better writer. It forces individuals to think before they type anything out. It’s similar to doing essays and compositions in schools. Practice only makes perfect. One also tends to use better words while describing their lives.

Number Two: Blogging makes people aware of how we lead our lives. Through blogs we can tell if the blogger is an insomniac, or he is a social commentator, or if he likes to rave and rant, or if he is a visionary, and other things like that. Careful reading of blogs can also show personality, likes and dislikes.

Number Three: Blogging is an effective way to channel creativity. I think this needs no explanation. Just bloghop and you’ll find different bloggers with different blog layouts, and different kinds of contents.

Blogs are always being monitored, either by the police, or some watchgroup somewhere. Everyday, someone somewhere is monitoring what you write. But of course, due to the nature of blogs, like archiving etc, it doesn’t make sense for them to be visiting your blog every day, or every few days. Even more so if you have a ‘normal’ blog like mine.
You can always tell that someone is on your blog if you have a counter in your blog. Sitemeter.com is a good place to get a free site counter. Usually, such site meters also provide basic IP addresses on who visited your blog, and usually, these would come from ISPs (like Starhub, and SingNet) but occasionally you’ll get someone from the Government dropping by, or someone with a ‘blocked IP’ which makes you have your doubts.

A spiked increase in the number of hits your blog receives could also be another factor to speculate increased monitoring, and popularity.

Oh well…

Here’s a bit of something available on the Internet so that bloggers would know where the OB markers for what can, and what can’t be published on blogs by individuals, organisations, or corporations.

The Seditions Act (Cap 290)

4. —(1) Any person who —

(a) does or attempts to do, or makes any preparation to do, or conspires with any person to do, any act which has or which would, if done, have a seditious tendency;

(b) utters any seditious words;

(c) prints, publishes, sells, offers for sale, distributes or reproduces any seditious publication; or

(d) imports any seditious publication,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction for a first offence to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both, and, for a subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years; and any seditious publication found in the possession of that person or used in evidence at his trial shall be forfeited and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the court directs.

(2) Any person who without lawful excuse has in his possession any seditious publication shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction for a first offence to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 18 months or to both, and, for a subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years, and such publication shall be forfeited and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the court directs.

5. —(1) No prosecution for an offence under section 4 shall be begun except within 6 months after the offence is committed:
Provided that for the purposes of this subsection a prosecution shall be deemed to be begun against any person when a warrant or summons has been issued in respect of any charge made against that person and based on the facts or incident in respect of which the prosecution afterwards proceeds.

(2) No person shall be prosecuted for an offence under section 4 without the written consent of the Public Prosecutor. In such written consent the Public Prosecutor may designate any court to be the court of trial.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:09 am

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Comforting Bonds

I'm not one who would usually be termed as someone racist, but I know that I do, from time to time, say things which are racially-damaging, especially in Singapore's social fabric.

But who isn't racist?

As humans, we seek comfort in things which are most familiar to us. So when you're in a room full of strangers, all not knowing one another (which is highly unlikely), you become a little bit lost, and defensive. This is natural, of course.

So, to answer to the primal need for companionship, and comfort, you start to chat to either one of the following:

a) The least intimidating person around you;
b) The person who looks vaguely familiar;
c) The hottest girl around you;
d) Someone who fits your profile eg. Someone equally loud, or quiet etc. ;
e) Someone of the same race as you;
f) Some, or all, of the above.

I bring your attention to part (e). In multi-racial Singapore, where over 50% are Chinese working class, it can be a challenge to find someone who is the same ethnicity as you, especially if you do not belong to the mentioned group.

But unfortunately, of the 5 types of people you look for, you'd probably be more comfortable with talking to someone of the same race as you.

There are several factors. Among them are: a common languange, a common history, a common knowledge of culture and relligion.

Similarly, when you put another group of a hundred people, from different countries, with different backgrounds and social class, you would want to find for someone who is most like you.

I would look for a Malaysian to talk to, if I couldn't find a Singaporean. But I'd be most happy with and Indonesian, or a Thai too. If you gave me an Australian to talk to, I'd be as happy, if you gave me an Afrikaan or a Swiss babe.

Perhaps I am the social creature that many introverts are afraid of. Even some extroverts are put off by me. but what can I say?

All that socialising, is more than to make more friends, it's also a bond in which I can find comfort in.

I love you, Suraidah. See you later.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 2:52 pm

Sunday, September 11, 2005
Weekend was Good

Ubin: Looking towards land. Looking forward to spending more happy days with you, Su.

It was Ubin on Saturday. Spent a good part of the day there too. Rain was threatening, but it didn't come at all.

Cycling on the little island was sweaty, tiring, inspiring, exploring, and definitely recommended for couples who want something different in their relationships. And end it with a refreshing fizzy drink at the nearby shack.

Well, do something different once in a while. Apart from the movies, the gigs, the visits to the beach, try visiting Ubin to sweat it out! Just you, her and bicycles. Teach her something about how bicycles work, and let her tell you something about how village life is. Explain to her subjects that you like, with all enthusiasm, but no technical jargon, and you'll see the smile and the shine in her eyes.

Surprise her with something she's least expect (like Chocolates on a beach). If you've alerady shared with her your joys, dreams and aspirations, share with her your outlook for the future - for yourself, as well as for the both of you.

Share your fears too. Tell her what you'r eafraid of happening. Tell her what you're afraid wouldn't happen. Tell her that you're afraid of losing her.

Touch her emotions, and touch her thoughts, and you'll be rewarded nicely.

Make sacrifices. If it's a payday, splurge on her a little bit. A little investment every now and then would reap in bountiful returns.

Spend the night under the stars with her every now and then. If you can't spot the constellations, at least be able to spot the Northern Star. Go a step further and identify Orion's Belt. It's ok to tell her that you don't know much, or you learnt how to identify it from some movie starring Will Smith. It's alright. The fact that you know, would already sweep her off her feet.

Orion's Belt: The 3 brightest stars in this picture.

Have supper with her, and top it off with a good night's sleep, with her in your arms.

Let her wake you up before the crack of dawn and don't get mad at her for doing. Girls need a bit of spoiling, they need a bit of pampering. Girls need to love, and to feel loved. But girls need to be themselves too.

I woke up this morning to powdered Milo and Hamtaro.

Hamtaro: She watches it for the dance.

It was a beautiful weekend. It was perfect. Sore butt and everything.

I love you Su.


Us: Maman Beach, Ubin. 1230 hrs September 10th, 2005

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:51 pm

Friday, September 09, 2005
From the 18th Floor - Looking Out

It's a beautiful and peaceful view, but not today.

Today's too hot to be beautiful. Cloudy days, after a rain especially, is when the view is most beautiful.

You can see far into the distance, and also you can see which part of the island is raining. If I guess correctly, this picture would be in the direction of Hougang, and Sengkang.

It's pretty quiet in the office. It's a Friday, but it's the first day of my stint here at M's place. He's gone off for a long well-deserved holiday.

This stint till last me through till the 16th. And it runs alongside what I already have to do. It's bad enough that sometimes I have tons of things to do already. And having to be here all day, with barely enough time for myself, really is a mental torture. With so many things to juggle, we are resigned to fate, when work cascades to the man at the bottom. At the bottom, there is no way out, but up.

I was asking Su last night, a series of questions which, I cannot find any answers to. And perhaps it's only me, and it's because of the environment I live in, that I am feeling this way.

Take a look at the picture again, and something shouts at you in your face.

Modernisation? Well, modernisation is probably the cause of it.

Technology? Technology has made it possible and is pushing it even further.

Progress? It's chicken and egg. Without it, there is no progress, without progress, there's no need for it.

High density population? It's making it even more important.

Well, it's a paper chase. It's all about the grades. It's all about the Bachelor's Degree.

In fact, the Bachelor's Degree is now so abundant here, that I'm wondering if it's ever enough to hold one.

Specialisation. Carve out a niche area for yourself, especially in something that you like, and you're so damn bloody good in it, that there is no way that people will choose anyone else but you.

Be a nurse. Be a Lawyer. Be a Doctor. Be a Computer Engineer. But don't be a businessman.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 3:50 pm

What is Love?

Is it as easy as the 3 elements of Passion, Commitment and Intimacy, or any combination of it?

If you love your job, how can you get intimate with it?

I Love You, Su.

I don't know where our love lies, but I hope that it's actually nearer to the Consummate rather then just an infatuation.

We've been through a lot, but I think that the worse has yet to come.

Let's stay strong, and continue to strengthen our relationship.

How do you define love, anyway?

Sab, any answers?
Ardi, any ideas or inspirations?
Can anyone else shed some light in the topic?

I love you Su.

It indeed was a memorable evening.

It always is.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 12:52 am

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A Mockery?

Got this off Yahoo! a few minutes ago.

It seems like the less developed nations in Asia are chipping in to assist the US in its rebuilding efforts in New Orleans, home of Jazz.

But if you remember closely, it seems like a mockery of the US' efforts in rebuilding Aceh when the tsunami hit.

I leave it to you to decide.


By ROHAN SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer

BANGKOK, Thailand - Some of the world's poorest nations — Bangladesh, Afghanistan and tsunami-hit Thailand — have offered the United States aid and expertise to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

While some of these aid pledges were small compared with the millions of dollars and heavy machinery promised by Europe, they come from nations with far less to give and are symbolic recognition of the role U.S. aid has played in their development.

Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest countries, where millions of people live on a monsoon- and flood-prone delta, pledged $1 million to Katrina's victims and offered to send specialist rescuers to inundated areas, the Foreign Ministry said.

Prime Minister Khaleda Zia said the assistance from Bangladesh — a major recipient of U.S. economic development aid — was "a token of goodwill and sympathy," spokesman Zahirul Haque said late Monday.

Thailand Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkon said his Southeast Asian country would send 60 doctors and nurses and a shipment of rice to the United States.

The assistance is a "gesture from the heart," Kantathi said, adding that Thailand remembers the help it received from the United States after last year's tsunami that left 228,000 dead or missing across 11 Indian Ocean countries. Thailand's death toll was more than 8,000.

Impoverished Afghanistan, which is still struggling to recover from two decades of war that ended when U.S.-led forces ousted the Taliban regime in 2001, has pledged $100,000 for Katrina victims, the government announced.

Neighboring Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in the international fight against terrorism, has offered doctors and paramedics, and Washington "expressed their appreciation for the offer," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammed Naeem Khan said.

Some 2,700 Pakistanis and Pakistani-Americans were in the regions hit by Katrina, and the Pakistani Embassy in Washington is working with U.S. authorities to provide them with help, Khan said.

In Latin America, Honduras has offered to send 135 flooding and sanitation experts, and Peru has offered to send a medical team of up to 100 members.

A Mexican ship loaded with supplies set sail Monday from the Gulf Coast port of Tampico, and the country has set up consular offices in trailers around the disaster zone to help some of the estimated 140,000 Mexicans who live in the region — including 10,000 in New Orleans.

Even leftist governments often at odds with Washington have offered to chip in. Cuba has offered to send 1,100 doctors and Venezuela offered 1 million barrels of gasoline, $5 million in cash and more than 50 tons of canned food and water.

More traditional, wealthier Asia-Pacific allies also have pledged relief help.

On Tuesday, New Zealand promised $1.4 million in aid and offered to send urban search and rescue specialists and a victim identification team to hurricane-hit states.

Singapore said it sent a fourth military helicopter based in Texas to hard-hit Louisiana, and 45 airmen were participating.

Since the first three CH-47 Chinook helicopters arrived last week, Singaporeans have flown dozens of missions, evacuating several hundred people and transporting thousands of tons of equipment and humanitarian supplies, the Defense Ministry said.


nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:30 pm

Saturday, September 03, 2005
Rainy Saturday Afternoon

Aren't rainy days god-sent these days?

(My deepest condolences to the American peoples, on the destruction that Katrina has brought.)

But they sure are dampeners on a good Saturday.

I hope it doesn't rain tonight. I've got a night cycling event, which is overbooked.

So we really don't want any casualties. Nor cycling in the rain either.

Perhaps I'll hold back, if there are showers expected. Keep the kids on a tight leash from the beginning. IT helped the last time. It will help again tonight. I'm sure of that.

The Ruffian kids know my style. They know my limits, and they know that I will be breathing down their throats if they dare to even toe the line.

But hey, the kids still show respect, and they also come up to me in public when I'm spotted.

But they're actually a nice bunch of people. Beneath that coat of wankydoodling-broke-street kids, you actually find that they are lacking in positive companionship. Not like girlfriends and boyfriends kinda companionship, but rather someone they can look up to, and someone they can turn to for advise, and someone they can approach, without any feeling of separation, or hierachy.

They need a buddy.

And that buddy, is in everyone.

So if you can commit 60 hours annually to these kids, and you can break the stereotype, why don't you click here for more details.

Just a word of warning, when te kids have 'approved' you as their buddy, expect them to be a llittle bit clingy. That's good, cos then you won't feel that spending 60 hours with them annually is a pain.

Another caution, the kids are really ruffians (the guys at least) and you need to get used to it, and breakdown their stereotypes to get through to them. And mind you, these kids know the underworld better, and they think that the underworld is more 'hip'. Well, show them the joys of the real world Perhaps then, then, at least you'd have already shown them the true path to success.

I love you Su.

Enjoy your Camp, aite.

And yes, please go for the interview tomorrow.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 12:54 pm

Thursday, September 01, 2005
Truscomm Happiness Pte Ltd

Ardi has kinda put into words what I wanted to say for a long time. I can’t remember if I’ve said it before, but definitely Ardi has spoken my thoughts.

He says,”

“What makes a relationship a success? My theory is that..relationships is mainly based on two factors.These factors are called..trust and communication.Without trust,bad things are bound to happen without a doubt.Rumours will be flying around for sure.And without communication,things will always be in doubt even though you may trust the other party”

Well said, bro. definitely agreed.

But another important key factor in a relationship, is that the both of you have fun, and lots of it. Having fun includes being happy, being without grudge, and most of all, being yourself.

There’s definitely no happiness when you’re trying to impress your partner in NOT being yourself. How would you know if a clown really happy, even with a painted smile?

Too often, we’re trying to impress our partners, by being the suave gentleman, or submissive girlfriend that we THINK they want us to be. Has it worked? For me, it has worked, but with varying results.

Smoothness only works on girls ONCE. And that one time that guys screw up, trying to pull it off, the guy can kiss his lucky stars goodbye, on the same ‘routine.’ Also, as advise, don’t ever pull off as Mr Smooth, if you’re not Mr Smooth, on the first date. You’ll regret it.

It’s still ringing in my ear!

“You don’t fetch me from work anymore!”
“You don’t send me home anymore!”
“You don’t stay with me till late anymore!”
“Why?! Why? You don’t love me anymore?”
“You’ve changed Adi.”


Yeah! Have fun. If you’re partner can’t dance for nuts, drag him to dance. Blindfold him, buy him a cake, and pay his covers if you have to. Make your partner dance, even though he or she can’t.

Have fun! Go do things that you enjoy! Take a long bus trip to a foreign land, or stay in an unfamiliar area of town for a night or so. Go for camps, or a short trip on a getaway island.

Bottomline is to have fun together, as a couple.

As much as possible, make the relationship as easy and enjoyable. While some distraction will always be there, it’s important to look over them and remain focused on the relationship.

Learn to forgive, as forgiving in a relationship helps to build bonds.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. No one is perfect. So what if the picnic, or a trip to the zoo wasn’t perfect. At least you get to spend time together.

But don’t make silly mistakes. You can forget the names of her cousins, or siblings, but do not ever forget her gastronomic preferences.

Bear in mind the idea of a perfect imperfection. Finding something right, amidst a bunch of wrong.

BE optimistic, she’ll love you more.

But remember: Trust, communication, and keeping each other happy.

I love you, Su. You make me happy all the time. Happiest I can be.


nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 5:56 pm

randomly ME .

Name : Bambang Suryadi
Location : Upnorth, Singapore

A little bit of here, a little bit of there. I'm a little bit of everywhere. You gotta find out more about me, to know where I'd be

View my complete profile

random-blabber .

random events & invites .

Nothing at the moment.

Clubbing this weekend? Keep me informed. I might just join you!

random-friends .

A. | Afidah | AMN | Annisa | Arin | Asrizal | Azura | Benjamin | Clio | Chris | Dalilah | Dayana | Eileen | Eka | Faizal | Farhana | Fadilah | Fad CIE | FarahZee | Fida | Halimah | Hasriyanti | Icka | Ida | Iqah Vampiee | JunShun | Kathy | Kelvin | Leah | Lynnette | Mariana | Meow | Misa | Nadiah | Noor Ashikin | QuanHui | Queenie | Rab | Rashidah | Rizuana | Roza | Ryna | Sebastian | Shaza | Shazy | Shila | Siti Diva | Siti Nuraini | Sofina | Sri Yanti | Stefanie | Syahidah | Syirah | Tuck Wah | Vid | Vivien | Yi Yinz | Zeraynne | Yun | Zhi Hao | Zuraidy |

random-Archives .

November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
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random-pics .

random-support .

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random-prayer .

Dear God, Give me the answers I seek. Give me the strength to continue loving and caring, in this world full of hatred, and discontentment.

Dear God, do give me the strength, to go another day, with all the challenges I face.

Dear God, give me the ability to be the best that I can be, for my family and friends.

Dear God, please ensure her safety, and the safety of those she loves, and those who love her.

Dear God, don't take away this gift of patience, and faith which you have bestowed upon me, as it helps me keeps my sanity in times like this. Don't take away the love that I have for the people I care for.

Dear God, beyond everything I ask for help to make sure that the people I care for remain as happy as can be, even though you need to shroud me in misery.

random-things to say .

Choosing to Love you,
Is the best decision I've made, so far.

Wanting you to be happy,
Is my only consideration now.

Leaving you all alone,
Was never an option.

To be thinking about you always,
Is not easy, especially in tough times.

Is incomplete without the REAL chickadee.

random-influence .

inspired by blue+weirdness
designer/layout: shawn
image: photobucket.
X-BLOGGERS productions.