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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
A Camp Like no Other

Almost every 18-year-old man, since 1968 has gone through National Service (NS), which is not a bad thing. The youngest 18-yr-old then would already be 55 by now.

According to 2000 census reports, there are an estimated 1.52m males aged between 15 and 64. Assuming equaly distribution, there are an estimated 1.1m men who have, or are going through, NS in Singapore in 2000, and that's about 27.3% of the population!

My point?

What I am trying to say is I can go up to any male Singaporean, and have a 50-50 chance that he has been through NS. I can go up to a Singaporean, and I have a one in four chance that he or she has gone through NS.

Nothing in Singapore bonds men like beer, Singapore Idol, and NS.

Any man can talk to any other man, about life during NS. They can talk till the grass turns blue, and they can yak till the cows come home. They can talk about the OC they hate most, they can talk about the 5000km route march, they can talk about the sai kang, they can talk about the food, they can talk about training and drills, they can talk about deployment, they can talk about anything, and everything, and even more stuff than i can think of!

But as a young citizen in this wonderful country, often, when I get myself in such conversations, I get the same kind of 'words of wisdom' from the older men (men who are old enough to be my father.) "NS nowadays is good life. Good food, good bed, good pay. In my days during NS, when I was at Telur Penyu camp, I can't tell if it was chicken, beef, mutton or pork. Once a week, we would have fish and chips. Oh, the fish and chips were the best things we had in camp, because it would come with ice cream. We loved the ice cream. Usually we would get fruit for dessert.

"The food then was horrible, and inedible. The chef was an NS guy also, so it's not like today, catered food. The kitchens were messy, oily, and goodness knows what went into your soup.

"The OC was horrible. Make us run under the hot sun, and do push ups on the road. And we would run from out camp in Lim Chu Kang, all the way to Macritchie, and back. We would wake up at 5 in the morning to do our daily exercises before we went for breakfast.

'How much are you getting now? 350? When I was a recruit in the 70's, I only got $100+. Pay for this, and pay for that, I have very little for myself in the end."

Of course, it goes on longer, but it goes around the same lines.

Well, the basic for a recruit today is $350, which is in tandem with the inflation levels since the 70's. It used to be that a plate of Chicken rice then was $1.00 but today, it's $2.50. You can't gauge money that way, can you? The value of money has fallen since the 70’s; so naturally, more money is needed to buy the same things.

But some things never change, some things haven't got better. We still sleep in double-deckers, and we still shower in the buff, with at least 6 others. We're still afraid of our instructors, and we still respond to Malay commands. (Squad! Sedi-YA! Daa-ri kiri, ce-PAT Jaaaa-Lan!) WTF! But we enjoyed it.

Camaraderie is I watch your back, you watch mine. Help us help you, and we help one another. We polish our boots, and talk cock at night. We pray for rainy days and we polish our boots some more. The boots shine like a mirror, but melts in the sun. We play dumb games; we secretly smoke in the bunk. We learn vulgarities; we learn to share, to forgive, and to forget. We learn to accept and tolerate racial and attitude differences and we learn how to bond Ahmad, Ah Beng, Johnny, and Kumar.

But best of all, we learn to be a Man.

Everyone. Well, almost.

40 years of nation-building, and 37 years of national service, many things have changed. NS has made Singaporean men, the way they are today. Although we lead our lives differently, from successful bankers to notorious loansharks, the Chief Executive Officers to Chief of Pai Kias, Singaporean men do share a common identity, and a common past, that although we go through it at different times, different periods, and different operating environments.

NS has been around almost for as long as Singapore has, and it will remain to be a highlight in the lives of Singaporean men, and a phobia for the boys for as long as this nation wants to continue to be safe and prosperous.

National Service, only in Singapore. The best nation builder that any Government can invest on.

When I be a father, I won’t bail my boys out of NS (I know of some who do). I want them to learn of ‘hardship’ and effort. Although people have said that NS training has become soft, it still instills into the boys, qualities, values, and lessons that is like no other camp they will attend.

Is that possible, Su?

I miss you guys.

- Palat

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 11:00 am

Sunday, August 28, 2005
Flavours of the Blowjob Revenge

Heard about it?

A lady goes up to the bartender and askes for a weird concoction - a shot of bacardi, some lime juice and some salt.

Her boyfriend then comes up to her, sees the drink and asks his girlfriend what it is.

Before she could answer, he gulps the drink down, then sprays it out.

'It tastes like crap!' the man says to his girlfriend. 'What is it?' he asks.

With an evil grin, she replies, 'It's the blowjob revenge!'

A wonderful Saturday I must say. Thanks Su.

Take care everyone.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 1:31 am

Saturday, August 27, 2005
Saturday Morning Fever!

It's a bright and early Saturday morning, but the past two days sure feel like Saturdays too.

MC for a simple flu, turned out to be a trip to the eye doctor, adn a pending visit to the neurologist.


And I thought that Mat and Minahs without a life are those with the brain tumour. Oh well, what can we do about it anyway?

I was coughing like a defeated goat last night. Mucus clogging my ENT. Probably something I caught fromo the Respi ward. But then again, I don't work in the respi ward... The price of love.

Volunteers' induction today at Mendaki. Starts at 2, but I'l be fetching Su before we go together. So kind of me? Of course! It's Adi the wonderful, you're talking about here.. LOL

Nah, the other reason is that I want to have breakfast at her mom's stall. It serves good breakfast. So Su, is quite along the way... LOL

I am not sucking up to her mum to get to her daughter. I don't need to do that, anyway... I need to suck up to MY mom so that she'll approve of me getting together with an ultra-dedicated nurse.

Urgh! Running a fever now.

I need my panadols.

Take care everyone.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:38 am

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
New Lappie!

Well, well...

Just like my broadband, blogging was the first thing I did once I came online.


This is the first of many blogs from my BRAND NEW laptop.

It's so new, I'm still in the shop!

I'll definitely enjoy using this piece of technical wonder.

Don't worry, Su. Between you and this laptop, you still come out tops. You make me smile. Presty doesn't.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 6:31 pm

I heard an interesting comment from a friend yesterday. “When you wear green, you suddenly feel stupid. Rolling in the mud becomes second nature, and you learn to not ask questions when someone tells you what to do, even if you think it’s ridiculous.”

Well bro, it’s the same anywhere you go. When you don a uniform, you suddenly feel stupid. The only one time that you don’t feel stupid in a uniform, is when you’re in school. In school, you don’t feel stupid at all. You ARE stupid.

When you’re in school, you are stupid, and everyone around you in that uniform, be it green, white, or brown, striped, checkered or plain, everyone is equally stupid. The only intelligent beings are the teachers or tutors (whatever you call them these days. I just call them “Cher”).

But of course, there were those who did better than others in exams. Well, I won’t be a wet blanket, for the 6As-type ‘A’ Level student, or the ‘O’ Level student with 27 A1’s, but I think you guys are just as stupid as I am. The only difference between me (average, very average kid) and you (Einstein & Newton wannabes) is that you have no LIFE! (besides the point that you’re more hardworking.)

While you were reading up on the assumptions if the Normal Distribution, I was busy making out till midnight. While you were busy trying to mathematically alter an alkene to and alcohol, I was busy consuming some alcohol of my own, and while you were busy memorising the 4,729 different ways to put a bunch of fruits together, I was busy experimenting with my fruit on the 47,290 ways on how to make a member of the opposite sex reach her climax!

But of course, I screwed up. I screwed it up real bad. And where am I now? I’m definitely not in some swanky class in NUS where ‘GEEK’ is hip, nor am I not in NTU where ‘COOL’ refers to the relative degree of frigidness.

I’m someplace happier. Some place where there is no line to be toed. Some place where I can be me. Some place where I get fed while some oddball lecturer is trying to explain to me some abstract concept from Planet Cyorn. Yes, that is what I'm having for dinner.

It makes my feel better, that I did not have to study my brains inside-out and upside-down, to get to where my peers are.

Yes, although it is only a fraction more expensive where I am versus the other 2 universities, I am still a happy man. I will graduate with my first class honours, and my cert will be more internationally recognised.

Point is, at the end of the day, everyone will be on the same path. It's just a matter of how long it takes for you to get there. Run like the wind, and the path is a breeze, boring and stale. Chugg along, and you will make more friends, and learn more things.

Like I said earlier, everyone feels stupid in a uniform. That’s why I go to work in civilian clothes.

I love you Su. I’m so glad that you’re still able to think while in uniform. Don’t worry. The people you serve may regard you as being incompetent right now, but they would definitely be owing you, the care that you give to them.

Take a step, one at a time. No reason to rush. If you dare, take the plunge. Once you’re ahead, don’t look back. But take a step back from time to time, to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing.

I love you, Su. Yes, the Chope ALWAYS looks good in uniform. And you’re definitely YUMMMMMM-MY in yours too.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 5:48 pm

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
A Blissful State of Idling


At work, less then a hundred minutes to go, and Hip-hop blaring, albeit softly, from my subterranean speakers.

While the whole office is buzzing with activity, and a flurry of phone calls, I shall enjoy my period of inactivity with much silent joy and peace of mind.

A messy table, it is not difficult to conceal this state of dormancy. With the mouse at hand, too, it is not difficult to manifest an industrious pretence.

It has been this way for a few days. Thinking about it, it has been this way since I stepped into this seat, vacated by my senior. There has been nothing really productive to be done, nothing that keeps me on my toes for very long.

Yes, I do have my moments of stress, but I must admit, this is few weeks is a lull. Downtime is good, it always is.

When it rains here at HQ, it pours. It really pours. And when that happens, I find it very hard to breathe at times. Yeah… But these days are few and in-between.

There’s a good and bad about it.

There’s no constant pressure, like YS and Chins have to handle. So I won’t truly learn how to ‘take a breather’ during periods of constant pressure. I really admire what they do, and how much they can handle what they do, at work.

Well, I won’t go on and continue, to try to justify my existence here in the office. Just that some things are better left unsaid, other things better left undone.

There’s a saying, popular to the Organisation where I am at, if there is no work, don’t go hunting for it, cos you might end up having too much shit in your to handle.

Shawn says I handle stress quite well. I think so too. Under pressure, it’s important to remain rational, sensible and most importantly, calm. There’s no point getting panicky in calamity. It doesn’t help to solve problems faster.

But Shawn also thinks I’m incompetent to assist him. Well, I’m cool if it’s part of what I have to do. You can be sure that I will do my part. Those who have worked with me, can be amazed by the rate that I work sometimes.

But who am I lying to? I procrastinate too much. I don’t have my priorities set out right, and I can’t differentiate between what’s important and what’s not. What’s important to you, might not be to me. And what’s important to me, I will make sure that I get it done before you can say “scheerwaptkfoergronthesis.”

Well, putting it in simpler terms, because you empower me with the power to choose FOR YOU, I shall not make the choice that will inconvenience me. But of course, when you have decided, I can’t say “NO,” can I? Thus is the power of the shoulder.

Conveniently, this period of bliss can continue into the week, and deep into next week too. Nothing’s up for now, just one Forum on the 6th Sept, before it starts to pour again.

Enjoying this momental period of lull. May the forces be on the men who give me work.

I love you, Su.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 4:26 pm

Monday, August 22, 2005
Boys will be Boys.

2 million years of the evolution of men, and nothing much has changed to the needs of men. Men still need to satisfy their hunger, lust, and id. Primal inclination before rational thinking.

When faced with a dilemma, which requires extensive thinking, it’s seldom that men have to think too long on which course of action to take. And usually the only main considerations, would be those mentioned above.

But of course, lately, within the past 5 years, we hear a lot about SNAGs (sensitive new age gaylikes) - guys who are ‘in-touch’ with their feminine side, and go for spas, and yoga classes, and take up fine dining, etc.

But SNAGs are few and in between. They are the ultimate companion (note: COMPANION) for women – sensitive, modern, and dresses up well. A bit of something I got off Heartless Bitches International about SNAGs.

The sensitive new age nice guy,
generally wears his hair in a ponytail,
and is in touch with that side of himself
he thinks of as female.
Although he says he wears no armor,
he wears his issues on his chest;
and so to have conversation with him,
you must get through that
invisible chain mail vest.
But of course, there’s even more talk about the metrosexuals of late. Wikipedia defines them as A young man concerned with self-image, self-indulgence and money, or even more inappropriately, A young man who is seen, sociologically, as having attributes common to homosexuals, but is in fact heterosexual. Kinda like a ‘non-faggotty’ faggot.

As Ben would put it, “If you’re aunt had balls, she’d be your uncle.”

An interesting scenario of events stumped me over the weekend. I was asked on what I would do given the following conditions on the dance floor, and why.

  1. You’re dancing and a girl dances with you real close. Would you hold her?
  2. You’re dancing, and the girl you’re dancing with puts her hand(s) at your bum.
  3. You’re dancing with this girl, and her back is facing you. Would you hold her?
  4. You’re dancing, but you’re surrounded by girls who are dancing with their respective partners, and that you’re kinda dancing alone.
  5. You’re doing your own thing on the couch in a club, and this hot girl gave you an erotic lap dance. Would you touch her?

So I gave my model answers.

  1. No I won’t. dance and let free. I’ve got a girlfriend.
  2. Bring her hand(s) up to my waist. No monkeying with other girls from the club. I’ve got a girlfriend.
  3. No I won’t. dance and let free. I’ve got a girlfriend.
  4. I’ll pretend to be dancing, and dance my way out of an awkward situation
  5. No. I have a girlfriend.
Whoever asked me was impressed. Even I didn't know that I was capable of pulling it off. I spent a few moments thinking about how I lied through the skin of my teeth, and offered this scenario, to make a point.

If a guy was single and on the bed, and a girl walks into the room naked, is it ok to have sex? Definitely alright if both are willing parties, right? Sex would also almost definitely happen, right?
But if an attached guy was faced with the same situation, is it alright to have sex, then? Definitely not, by any rational yardstick. But whether sex happens, is a different thing altogether, and the answer depends on whether you’re asking a guy, or a girl.

Boys will be boys.

Ask me, and I’ll tell you that I’ll have sex anyway, even though I know that it’s wrong. I’ll still touch the lap dancer, I’ll still touch the girl dancing with me. I’ll still get my hands everywhere, anywhere, and under underwear.

I’m sorry, darling. Boys will be boys. Primal inclination before rational thinking.

I'm not going to give you excuses why it happens when it happens. Cos you know, I'll just shoot myself in the foot, many times over.

But I love you for letting me being me. I love you for understanding.

I love the way you smile, I love the way you laugh. I love the way you sulk, when I said something wrong, I love the way you look at me when you know something's not right.

It's not easy, but I know you're trying hard.

I love you for keeping me in check, making sure that the only anywhere, everywhere under underwear I touch is you.

Boys will be boys. But you let me be me.

Thanks, Su.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 1:15 pm

Sunday, August 14, 2005
Straws, Lamps and a Forgetten (ex)Girlfriend

It's nice to know that I have friends who really care about me, asking how I'm doing from time to time, and asking me out everey now and then. Thanks guys, and girls.

But I must admit, that from time to time, the question pops. "So now that you're with Su, how's Abs coming along?"

So, hopefully this will be the last time that I ever need to answer that question. Abs is coming along fine. She's got a new job, and a new phone number. In case anyone wants to know either bit of info about her, you can try calling the infomation counter at the Singapore Tourism Board office, along Orchard Road. (Don't. I was joking. I don't know where she's working.)

Between me and Su, we're coming along fine too. It's nice to be discussing things with someone who can understand what you're talking about, and give her inputs on the matter too. And be amazed by how much you know. Yet at the same time, she tells you stuff that you don't know, about almost anything and everything.

Yes, intelligence, that's the word. It's interesting to talk to beings of higher intelligence. She'll come up to you, and ask a question with no answer, and make her point, and she'll force you to agree that she's right.

Right... Me being me, I'll force myself to say something that's totally opposite from what she's trying to prove, just for the sake of an argument.

Anyone know how a straw works?

It's not so much that you're sucking in something (drink, air, juice, ice, cum, whatever) but rather, it's the surrounding atmosphere that is 'pushing' that particular something (drink, air, juice, ice, cum, whatever) into your mouth. When you 'suck', what happens is that your lungs expand. and this creates a region of low pressure in your body. Nature being nature, it abhors a vacuum. So it tries to find an equilibrium of this pressure, by filling it up with something (drink, air, juice, ice, cum, whatever). Thus, the higher pressure of the surrounding area pushes on the particular something (drink, air, juice, ice, cum, whatever), and it goes up the straw (or shaft) and into your mouth. To prove it, try this.

Try to breathe in, with your nose AND mouth closed. You would feel your chest expanding, and feeling heavy. By expanding, the lungs create an area of low pressure. And the heavy feeling on the chest, is caused by atmospheric pressure 'ressing' (actually it's pushing' on your chest.

Oh yes, try it only for as long as you can take the pressure, or your chest and ribs will collapse inwards, and you'll dia orrible, and tragic death. Not recommended for asmathics.I won't be responsible for any mishaps.

There we go.

Enjoy the lamp, Su. Hope I can continue to brighten up your life.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 11:28 am

Friday, August 12, 2005
My South-African Lottery Win


I just found a quick way to get rich, and you can too.

I got this in the mail, and I have US$1.4b waiting for me, in some obscure bank account somewhere, for which I have to pay another US$60,000 to get to.

So here's the notification email. Someone take it out for me. And I'll just take a half-per-cent (0.5%) cut.


Dear Sir/Madam,


We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today, 12/08/2005, of winners of the Global Mega Lottery South Africa/International Progamme,held on 30TH/ 07/ 2005 as part of our promotional draws. Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000 emailaddresses of individuals and companies from Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East, and New Zealand as part of our electronic business Promotions Program. You qualified for the draw as a result ofyou visiting various websites we are running the e-business promotions for.

You/Your Company, attached to ticket number 100-309-7482, with serial number 513-10 drew the luckynumbers 2, 9, 22, 23, 24, 30, +5 and consequently wonin the Second Category.You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of US$1,950,000.00 in cash, which is the winning payout for Second category winners. This is from the total prize money of US$13,650,000.00shared among the Seven international winners in the Second category.


Your fund is now deposited with the Global Mega Lottery Finance and Company insured in your name. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this sectrely(sic) from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account.
This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program. We hope with a part of your prize, you will participate in our mid year (2004) high stakes US$1.3 billion International Lottery. To begin your claim, please contact your claim agent immediately.

MR. Richard Baloyi Foreign Service Managers
Universal Buildiing, 132 - 133 Park Hurst
Balfour - Unite 1440
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2001
South Africa
richardb@winning.com or richardbaloyi39@yahoo.co.uk

For due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice. Remember, you must contact your claim agent not later than 28th-06- 2005. After this date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed.

NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers provided below in every one of your correspondences with your claims agent. REFERENCE NUMBER: FLS-ZR39-825P-4, BATCH NUMBER: 74-263-BBN.
Congratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.

The Promotional Manager
Global Mega Lottery Pty Ltd
Universal Buildiing, 132 - 133 Park Hurst
Balfour - Unite 1440
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2001

N.B. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification. Please do not reply to this mail box. Contact your claims agent through his email contact above.


As Su would say... "BLUFF"

Nelle, try searching Jack or my url in Technorati.com and maybe you'll find the answer halfway down the page.

I love you, Su. Thanks for Jack Jack.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 7:03 pm

Bad day at work.

Thanks for your support, Su.

I don't know what I'll do without you.


What animal are you? Take the test!


What smilie are you? Take the test!

Have Fun!

I Love you, Su.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 1:56 am

Sunday, August 07, 2005
Reach for the Skies, and Beyond

It's NDP week, and i'm in a patriotic mood.

Won't be around for the next few days, enjoy the song.

I love you, Su. I can't wait for Tuesday. We'll be making fireworks of our own. See you.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 11:13 pm

Friday, August 05, 2005
Bad Management

Having started school and everything, I have trouble coping with it. For one, I can only understand 65% of the things that I'm thought. And secondly, in the last exam, I only managed 65% of the grades.


But school's good. More reason to meet with Su.

Maths lessons will end this September, and thereafter, I'll do the other core subjects: Intro to Econs, Intro to Sociology & Elements of Biz & Management.

Ma-nage-ment: The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise.

Thinking about it, Hafiz (my senior from work) sent me a cute little email about lessons in management, which I hope, will not be how it will be thought at School. I did not pay $10k for lessons which are forwarded via email, and can be completed in a few minutes.

Here's what I hope I won't learn from the Management course.
Lesson One:
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long ?" The crow answered: "Sure, why not." So, he rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Management Lesson :
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Lesson Two:
A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "But I haven't got the energy." "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings ?" replied the bull. "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, afte r eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fortnight, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Soon he was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.

Management Lesson :
Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

Lesson Three:
When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss. The brain said, "I should be Boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions." The feet said, " We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go." The hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money. "And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs and the eyes until finally the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss. So the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work. Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered. Eventually they all decided that the asshole should be the Boss, so the motion was passed.....All the other parts did all the work while the Boss just sat and passed out the shit!

Management Lesson :
You don't need brains to be a Boss - any asshole will do.

Lesson Four:
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was actually thawing him out ! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him!

Management Lessons :
1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) When you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut!

Take care everyone. See you later, Su.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 10:03 am

Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Trying to Bottle the Essence of Singapore?

By Liang DingZi

As Singapore prepares to celebrate 40 years of nationhood, there's a certain level of disquiet about our national identity. This is evident in the debates about Singlish, the despair over our lack of social graces and, most recently, the controversy over the sale of Raffles Hotel to non-Singaporeans.

Part of the angst appears to stem from the lack of a visibleSingapore icon. New York has its Statue of Liberty, Paris its Eiffel tower,and at Agra, not far away from New Delhi, is the Taj Mahal.

Some are ready to discount Singapore's prime candidate, the Merlion for most would rather have a beautiful lady with the torch to gaze upon, as they do on Staten Island, than a half-fish, half-lion.

We're not sure if the Durians, sorry, the Esplanade theatres, would be as popular as Sydney's Opera House, either. So, perhaps we need to construct a new icon, we say. Some think the answer is the yet-to-be-built integrated resorts.

We are an impatient people who believe in quick fixes. Encouraged by our successes in constructing the world's No 1 airport and other architectural feats, some think we can dream up and construct, just like that, an icon that will radiate the spirit of Singapore.

But think about it: Why has the Merlion failed to impress?

For most Singaporeans, the Merlion doesn't evoke the sense of endearment associated with a treasured myth or a historical moment. There's little one can tell a visitor about it.

It hasn't earned the pride of a nation. Indeed, "to merlion" has become the local slang for "to vomit", in reference to its ceaseless water-spouting.

Visitors to Singapore may be more interested in seeing the spot in Raffles Hotel where the last tiger to be killed in Singapore was shot, under a billiards table. The sale of the hotel to a foreigner has been lamented by some citizens, who have deemed the move a betrayal, akin to selling off a national treasure.

It is an icon that represents part of our island's colonial history; it is the birthplace of the Singapore Sling. It has the nostalgic distinction of having hosted famous writers including W Somerset Maugham, Joseph Conrad and Ernest Hemingway.

The Merlion, on the other hand, is little more than a commercial symbol. And it is laughable to think that a playground incorporating roller-coaster rides and a casino could inspire the same kind of awe as a structural icon, say the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Even Changi Airport cannot be held up in the same light. I once asked a much-travelled Frenchman what he thought of the terminal. He said it was modern, functional, very well-organised and efficient ... but it lacked character.

The Singapore Tourism Board makes much of Singapore as "a city that thrives on modernity". There's no denying visitors enjoy convenience and comfort here. But Bangkok, with its slums and smells, has more character than Singapore, with its towering skyscrapers.

Yet do we truly need a physical icon to forge an identity? At 40, Singapore is a young nation. Neither history nor culture can be wrought off a blueprint.

Remember, some years ago, the attempt to design a wearable national costume featuring a Chinese collar, an Indian sash and a Malay sarong? That didn't take off.

Likewise, entertaining friends from abroad with songs about our homeland shouldn't have to mean blurting out songs about nation-building, or about how proud we are to be Singaporeans -songs penned specially for the official national birthday celebrations.

Perhaps we try too hard to develop icons, structural or otherwise. Such artificial results just don't do the trick because they are not about us as a people.

It's quite different when something is constructed purely for the tourist dollar. After all, as far as forgettable icons go, who really remembers that the world's highest man-made waterfall is at Jurong Bird Park?

Taken off the website on online Today, MediaCorp News.

nakalboi. Another day is done;
- 12:27 am

randomly ME .

Name : Bambang Suryadi
Location : Upnorth, Singapore

A little bit of here, a little bit of there. I'm a little bit of everywhere. You gotta find out more about me, to know where I'd be

View my complete profile

random-blabber .

random events & invites .

Nothing at the moment.

Clubbing this weekend? Keep me informed. I might just join you!

random-friends .

A. | Afidah | AMN | Annisa | Arin | Asrizal | Azura | Benjamin | Clio | Chris | Dalilah | Dayana | Eileen | Eka | Faizal | Farhana | Fadilah | Fad CIE | FarahZee | Fida | Halimah | Hasriyanti | Icka | Ida | Iqah Vampiee | JunShun | Kathy | Kelvin | Leah | Lynnette | Mariana | Meow | Misa | Nadiah | Noor Ashikin | QuanHui | Queenie | Rab | Rashidah | Rizuana | Roza | Ryna | Sebastian | Shaza | Shazy | Shila | Siti Diva | Siti Nuraini | Sofina | Sri Yanti | Stefanie | Syahidah | Syirah | Tuck Wah | Vid | Vivien | Yi Yinz | Zeraynne | Yun | Zhi Hao | Zuraidy |

random-Archives .

November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
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February 2010
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random-pics .

random-support .

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random-prayer .

Dear God, Give me the answers I seek. Give me the strength to continue loving and caring, in this world full of hatred, and discontentment.

Dear God, do give me the strength, to go another day, with all the challenges I face.

Dear God, give me the ability to be the best that I can be, for my family and friends.

Dear God, please ensure her safety, and the safety of those she loves, and those who love her.

Dear God, don't take away this gift of patience, and faith which you have bestowed upon me, as it helps me keeps my sanity in times like this. Don't take away the love that I have for the people I care for.

Dear God, beyond everything I ask for help to make sure that the people I care for remain as happy as can be, even though you need to shroud me in misery.

random-things to say .

Choosing to Love you,
Is the best decision I've made, so far.

Wanting you to be happy,
Is my only consideration now.

Leaving you all alone,
Was never an option.

To be thinking about you always,
Is not easy, especially in tough times.

Is incomplete without the REAL chickadee.

random-influence .

inspired by blue+weirdness
designer/layout: shawn
image: photobucket.
X-BLOGGERS productions.